Adele’s Concert Essay Example

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I recently attended Adele’s concert, which occurred on one of the weekends at London’s Palladium in June 2017. Several individuals highly rated this concert due to the excellent performance by Adele. Her singing skills are marvellous, and almost everybody who listens to her songs will like them. She had a very wonderful voice that there is no doubt that she is among the best musicians in the world. While in this concert, I realized that the audience of Adele during this concert were sportswomen, sportsmen, fellow musicians, her heroines and heroes, artists, fans, families and even friends. This means that people from all categories attended her concert, and this shows how wonderful the concert was to an extend where I also enjoyed the music that was played during the concert. The singer has again emerged to be the best artist in the United Kingdom (UK) after releasing a very interesting song titled “Easy on Me.” This is a true indication that she is one of the bests singers and the focus of this paper is on describing Adele’s song during the concert that I attended in London’s Palladium. The analysis will be based on texture, harmony, melody, timbre, dynamics, tempo and rhythm of the songs she presented in the concert.

The song of Adele that drew my interest and that I would like to analyze is her song titled “Send My Love (To Your New Lover” (Adele, 2016).  To begin with, looking at the texture of these Adele’s songs, the sound of the music is sweetly interacting, which draws the attention of the people who are listening to the song. The sounds of the drums plus other instrumentals of Adele’s songs tend to interact in the best ways possible so that the clients or the fans who are listening to the songs get to enjoy the music. The sounds that were coming from this song by Adele were more than two, and they seemed to be from different instrumentals plus her sweet voice. The sounds tend to be very organized in that every sound is appropriately used to produce the best song, thereby leading to a very harmonious song. The rules and chords of the music enhance a good relationship between the words involved in the song.

The type of melody used in Adele’s song is heterophony since it involves a combination of different melodies that simultaneously vary. These melodic lines of Adele’s song had key characteristics such as range, contour and scale. The lines of her songs are heard to be moving in other ways, undulating, rising, arching and even falling, and this leads to the production of the best music that several people would love to hear. Such wonderful melodies in Adele’s songs have attracted a huge fan of her country music. Adele’s melodic motion also tends to be moving by steps to help form the contour of the melody. This song has several notes, including soprano and other voices whose aims were to attract the audience’s attention to hear the message that the song contained.

In Adele’s song titled “Send My Love,” several rhythmic patterns are formed, and this is observed in cases where there are little rests in between the lines of the songs, repeats and reoccurrences of notes within the song that is being sung. The sounds within the song are timely placed in that there is no overlapping sound that might cause disruptions while listening to the song. The rhythm used by Adele tends to suit the audience by making them enjoy the songs through the timely placed and produced sounds. The tempo of Adele’s song is also on the right track in that the speed of the beats that are used matches how Adele speaks out words in the process of singing the song. The song’s tempo tends to be moderate, meaning it is quite quick. The loudness of Adele’s song also varies in cases where the voice gets raised between the phrases and the notes plus the beats, making the music dynamics (Estrella, 2019). The quality of the tone and sound produced in Adele’s song during the concert were very high. The notes were also played using various instrumentals, making the music very lively. Adele correctly applied the musical elements in her song, making the song to be loved by fans from different parts of the world.


Adele (2016, May, 23). Send My Love (To Your Lover).

Estrella, E (2019, November 4). An Introduction to the Elements of Music.